Thursday, March 11, 2010

Love is in the air

Good morning friends! We hope to find you all doing well. The Dewald's are CRAZY these days but just so so blessed. As most of you know, we went to Children's in Ohio for Jonah and got a wonderful report that he just has acid reflux! He is responding wonderfully to his medicine in just one week. Praise the Lord that we finally got a diagnosis, and that it was so minor. Thank you all for your prayers and concern! I am looking forward to now trying to get him on a "schedule" and moving him into his crib to sleep. (I have done it all WRONG with Jonah compared to Micah) Jonah is changing daily and really starting to laugh and respond to his surroundings. He LOVES his brother. When Micah talks to him or even just walks in the room, Jonah lights up and begins laughing. It is very fun as a parent to witness the natural love and connection that two brothers have together. AAAHHH!!! Life is Good! Thank you my Lord for such goodness!

There is nothing "special" about the following pictures. Just a few taken on a regular night while doing our bedtime routine.

From time to time I like to post a picture of each of my boys so that all can laugh with me how much they look alike. Can you tell which one is Micah and which one is Jonah?

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