As you all know, God recently called us away from First Baptist Church to minister at Providence Church in Knoxville. Leaving First Baptist and all of our friends and youth was so so hard and very sad, but we felt a peace that God was moving us to a different place in ministry. Nevertheless, even when you have a peace it is still hard due to the transition of making new friends, feeling like you don't quite "belong" yet, and just adjusting to a different church in general. All that said, we feel like Providence is going to be a perfect fit for us, and we are loving it so far! Our first night there was the church's yearly dinner to honor all the volunteers who serve at Providence. Every year the event has a theme, and this year's theme was the 80's. And boy do they know how to throw a party! It was sooo fun! Everyone that knows Jamie and I well enough knows that we LOVE to dress up and make fools of ourselves. So, we fit in perfectly at this party. I think about 90% of the people there were DECKED OUT in side ponytails, neon shirts and jelly shoes, acid washed jeans, parachute pants, blue eye shadow, and mullets!!!! I love when Christians know how to sit back and enjoy some good, clean laughter together! Here are some pictures to just show you a little of the fun we had....

Thank you to my friend Natalie for pulling my rockin hot 80's outfit together in like 5 min! The coat was classic, and my suntan panty hose and white pumps just finished it off.

Jamie and the youth ministry team doing a little dance to Let's Get Physical (but they changed "physical" to "spiritual")

Jamie and the staff doing a little Michael Jackson Thriller.

I mean, check out some of these outfits...Can you believe we actually wore stuff like this???

These pics (above and below) are the PASTOR. HA! A little Bon Jovi and well, I am not sure what the other outfit is but it CRACKS ME UP.

I know, I know, you wish you could have blue and pink eyeshadow too.

THANKS to Providence for a fun first night! We are excited!
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