Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happenings around our house this past week

I think this is a sweet picture of Micah

Ok, so I promise that we don't just sleep all the time!

No, we try to pee pee on the potty too!

Or, we make super silly faces in the camera! I actually got totally cracked up as I was downloading all my pictures this past week and found photo after photo of myself with goofy faces! You see, Micah has learned how fun it is to walk around the house and take pictures of randomness like the rug, the tv, feet, my butt(yikes!), and basically anything that is meaningless to have a picture of. I thought I would spare you of the rug or my butt and allow you the pleasure of laughing with me as you find how I apparently have an issue with just smiling like a mature adult would normally do in a picture! I have obviously rubbed off on him too! And by the way, take a note on what a natural photographer he is. The pics are centered and everything!

Yikes! what a little makeup will do for any girl. I cannot pull off no eyeliner!

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