Jamie surprised me with a trip to the beach with my family for mother's day. The only sad part was that he was not able to go since he was going to beach camp the next week with the youth. I wrestled with going since I had just missed a week of work to go to Las Vegas with him, but I wanted to go so so bad. I had not been on a trip with my sister Sara in almost 20 years! We had such a good time!!! The weather was perfect, the kids had a blast playing together, and all of us adults enjoyed time together. Jamie and I totally have to tag team when it comes to taking care of Micah and Jonah so I wasn't sure how it would go lugging all that baby equipment down to the beach each day, getting sand out of all the "cracks" five times a day, etc. without him. But my family helped me out A TON, and I had a wonderful week! We all missed daddy a lot but thank him for begging us to go. (I think he was excited about the break at home with out mommy and the kiddos!) I posted way too many pics, but thumb through them quickly. What else do you have to do????

After about 20 shots, this is the best we could get of all the kids together. If you have kids, I know you feel our pain.

My favorite pic of the week!

Grandad was my biggest asset of the week! I feel like whenever I was overwhelmed and needed a hand I would say, "Here Grandad! TAKE HIM!" and He would put him to sleep everytime!

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