Well, another year has flown by, but this one makes me super emotional! My last baby has turned 1! Where did this last year go? My boys bring me such joy, and I cannot imagine life without them. Jonah is still not walking but is into everything and really developing a sweet personality. He wants so bad to be a part of the wrestling matches and "dance offs" that happen around the house most evenings and does a pretty good job keeping up! He sure does love his big brother. When I think back to our sweet little preemie baby who had a rough start into this world beginning at the NICU to numerous trips to Children's Hospital to possible surgeries, I am so grateful now how God has blessed us with a perfectly healthy little boy whose medical problems have vanished. Coming from a girl who is a 100% girly girl and has no clue about boy things and is striving each day to even like boy things, I am CRAZY about my boys! I couldn't imagine my life any other way. Happy Birthday sweet baby Jonah! I love you.
We had a whale themed party for Jonah and the whale :)
All of the cousins were there to celebrate. It is just so hard to get them all in one picture.
This is a big ole whale for such a little guy to eat...
He was in heaven
All the adults were on a sugar overload after one piece...
NOT Jonah...
What can I say? He is just like his momma! You can never let a piece of birthday cake go to waste! (he REALLY ate all of that..ha!)
Gramma was nice enough to get all of that blue icing off of him in the bath
Jonah is all about the camera these days...you tell him to say "cheese" and you get the same cute little cheesy smile each time. I just love this kid!
This was Micah two years ago....
Here is another one of those times when I find my Jonah getting into something and think, "I have seen this before!" So, I got on my computer and found the exact pic of Micah from a few years ago and got cracked up how they even happened to have the same shirt on when getting into the toilet paper. ha!
These two are already buddies. I am so blessed!!!!
Jamie and his younger brother Scott(ie)
I love my sister in law Jennifer. Wish I could just see her more!
Monday, August 23, 2010
to be framed for sure
Jamie and Micah went to the fireworks store and picked out $7 worth sparklers to get an experience of his first time shooting off fireworks. He was pretty impressed with the bottle rockets and such until our neighbors fireworks made ours look like a total joke. HA!
Jamie's parents and ALL the grandkids. The oldest is in first grade all the way down to just a few months old. It is NUTS when we are all together in one house.
Jamie took Micah to his first movie in the theatre this summer...Toy Story. He loved loved it and sat totally engaged during the whole movie. I was so sad I missed that fun experience :(
But look at this cute little guy that I got to stay at home with...he is awesome.